My story

Hello All,

My name is Robert Gloeckner and I am an aspiring wildlife photographer.

Born in Germany, I developed my passion for photography at a very young age. Be it traveling or family events - the camera was always on my side.

Growing up in a rural part of the country, I quickly developed a passion for nature and wildlife. It helped that my parents had a house right next to a large forest. We would often do nature hikes or just enjoy the fresh air.

Moving to the United States did not change this love. Be it short exploring or long time adventures, I try to be outside as much as possible as long as work allows me to do so. As an engineer the time I can spend in nature is limited, but daily after work and on weekends we go on trips to local hotspots or exploring new locations.

Photographing the beauty of our planet is the greatest joy. Every animal on this planet has a story and I try my best to tell that story.

Thank you for visiting my page!


Robert Gloeckner